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Volunteering Opportunities in Singapore

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Food from the Heart is consistently on the lookout for dedicated volunteers who are keen to make a difference in the lives of the needy in our community. There are several volunteering opportunities we provide, through regular programmes and activities as well as ad-hoc charity activities and events. If you are looking for places where you can contribute meaningful time to volunteer activities in Singapore, reach out to us.

Anyone can volunteer with us! Everyone has something to bring to the table, and we’re more than happy to explore outside the roles that we currently have – after all, you’re helping us!

We have volunteer work for retirees, working adults and students of secondary school level and older. Organisations and schools willing to sign up for our corporate volunteering activities in Singapore are welcome to do so. If you are a food vendor or service provider, you can also contribute to our charity by supporting our programmes and events in Singapore. Read on to find out more.

Individual Volunteers

Our individual volunteering opportunities are for anyone who wants to do meaningful volunteer work with non-profit organisations in Singapore. We also have volunteering activities that are especially suitable for students on vacation, retirees and housewives who can commit time to our cause. Some common volunteer activities at our charity are sorting food donations from food donations drives and packing them into packs. Other volunteering opportunities that pop up regularly include being a Food from the Heart ambassador or facilitator during our events in Singapore. More specialised volunteering opportunities include skill-centric tasks like graphic design and videography. We are happy to provide a testimonial of service upon your request, too.

Our volunteers find volunteer work here fulfilling, and many of them have made like-minded friends along the way.

Join us in our cause! Take a tour of our volunteering opportunities now.

Corporate and School Volunteers

Food from the Heart has many volunteering opportunities and activities for corporate organisations and schools. There will always be an avenue where you can contribute your time to volunteer for a social cause in Singapore

Some ways corporations can help include organising food donation drives for us, or sponsoring cash, venue and/or logistics for our operations and charity events. We are open to exploring different volunteer activities and ideas as well. Learn more here.

Schools can partner Food from the Heart to explore student volunteering opportunities for VIA (Values in Action) programmes. Volunteer activities like organising food donation drives help students hone real-world skills such as teamwork, leadership, marketing and even entrepreneurship. Learn more here.

Need examples? See what our other corporations and school partners have done.

Food and Service Vendor

As a food or service vendor, you can utilise the strengths of your organisation for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to support us. You can do so through direct food donations, partial sponsorships or by offering charity rates for your goods and/or services. Food vendors who are able to provide food items that are safe for consumption will be able to contribute to our food programmes. Your commitment to our cause will go a long way in helping the underprivileged in Singapore! Learn more here.


With our values and structured processes firmly in place, we believe that anyone, especially those searching for volunteer work for retirees, students or organisations in Singapore, will find Food from the Heart a fulfilling volunteering experience.

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